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Once again, I have a video here by John Fee sharing with us the tips of street photography. He created a system that he calls “The 5Fs System” which we can use in our street photography. I find that this system is applicable to almost all kind of photography, especially wedding/events photography. As an events/wedding [&hellip
Here’s a cool video from John Fee sharing us the tip of street photography. He uses a Nikon SLR for his shots. What he’s telling here is good, you have to be fast to capture those moments in street photography. I’ve done a few in my past time and I can’t emphasize enough about timing [&hellip
Folks from Awesome Farm Films did this cool video tutorial of light painting. As we all know, light painting is another form of photography that uses any form of portable light source held in the dark. If done properly, the result can be pretty amusing and amazing. Personally I would love to try this one [&hellip
Nowadays I keep seeing a lot of photos from people across the country. Some of them tagged me in Facebook for honest critiques. Some of them are awesome piece of work, but some of them still need a lot of work. What strike me was the amount of editing some photographers did to their pictures [&hellip
Bertahun mengidam, last – last dapat gak. Simpan punya simpan duit lama – lama beli gak kamera idaman korang tu kan? So apa nak buat lepas ni? Mesti la ambik gambar kan? Takkan la buat cupcakes lak. (Serious kalau korang buat cupcakes aku memang surrender tak tau nak kata apa dah) Snap punya snap, output [&hellip